

2012-01-06 08:32:32墨***
征求精彩翻译,汉译英。 欢迎矫情、补充、创作及个人自由发挥!如能押韵更佳! 恳请机译者飘过,这里没有你发挥的余地!拜托!! 你百科,不让你问,唉! 你爱答,不让你贴,贴了不让你修改! 你想采纳答案,答案不存在! 你想留言,看你好彩不好彩! 气坏! 这就是百科系统的可爱之处!征求最牛的翻译---汉译英---谢绝机译!征求精彩翻译,汉译英。欢迎矫情、补充、创作及个人自由发挥!如能押韵更佳!恳请机译者飘过,这里没有你发挥的余地!拜托!!?


  • I ask Iask Why ??? Hard to ask here though IAsk is your name. And hard to post my answer or revise the same. To comment or take an answer is like a lotto game. For you IAsk I feel ashamed! -- With rage I flame!
    2012-01-09 09:12:41
  • You love to ask. Alas, iask would not let you ask. You love to answer. iask would not allow you to post answers. If you did post the answer, iask would not let you edit it. You love to accept an answer, Lo and behold, it is nowhere to be found. You'd like to post a comment. That would be pure luck. Ugh!
    2012-01-20 08:30:14
  •   Q & A A: I just heard about iask, what does it mean? iask: It means if you have some question, just feel free to ask。 A: Great, let me ask。
       How come what I asked doesn’t show? iask: You have to wait patiently until sometime you are lucky。 A: Oh my goodness! B: I want to answer the question I know very well。
       But…,how come I am not allowed? iask: You have to wait patiently until sometime you are lucky。 B: Oh my goodness! Ha, I’m so excited to know my answer was posted, but… how can I make some changes? iask: You still have to wait patiently until sometime you are lucky。
       B: Oh my goodness! A: This answer is so good! Let me take it! How come I am told it doesn’t exist? iask: You have to wait patiently until sometime you are lucky to see it coming back。
       A: Oh my goodness! C: I like to leave some messages to my friends, how come all the messages disappear? Iask: You have to wait patiently until sometime you are lucky。
       A,B,C: Oh my goodness! What else can you say? What the amazing iask! 。
    2012-01-16 07:24:53
  • --I am eager to post a question! --You have no authority to do so.. --What a hell! --I want to help solve this problem. --Request rejected! BTW, once posted, you cannot modify it! --What?? Such is the annoying Iask platform! 让你 “百科”!
    2012-01-14 11:51:28
  •   - "I wanna post a question!" - "Sorry, you can't。" - "?? - "I wanna post an answer to this question!" - "Sorry, you can't。
      " - "?? - "BTW, you can't revise your submitted answers, either。" - "??。。。。。" - "I really love this answer! Let me pick it!" - "Sorry, the answer does not exist。
      " - "??。。?" - "I wanna leave a message to my dear friend!" - "We are happy to tell you it's feasible。。。" - ":D" - "if you are lucky enough!" - "。
      。。WTF。。。" (喷血气绝ing。。。) Sometimes ??happens。 Take it easy, guys。 We are here just for fun, right? Be happy!。
    2012-01-13 20:04:25
  • 好久没来了。上次碰上游牧大师的盛宴参与了一把,这次遇上蜉蝣先知的擂台更要捧个场了。水平有限,还望各路高人点拨。先谢! I love to ask but not being allowed oh my dear iask, I love to answer but being rejected oh my dear iask, I happen to answer but no way to edit oh my dear iask, I try to adopt answers but they all escape oh my dear iask, I want to leave a note but not so lucky oh my dear iask, Oh my dear dear, how can I love you my lovely iask!
    2012-01-13 06:51:13
  • You IASK, no way to ask! You IANSWER, no way to answer! If you answered, no way to alter! If you want to take the answer, No way to find the answer! If you want to leave a note, See you are lucky or—er ! 哈哈!
    2012-01-09 11:19:50
  • 好久没碰英语,只知道简单一点的词儿了,哈哈,凑凑数 I ask, you say " no way". I answer, you say "not okay". I adopt answers, you say "it's gone away". I attempt to communicate, you say "come on a lucky day". IAsk, you are a big F, I say.
    2012-01-08 21:14:07
  • You love to ask, do not let you ask, alas! You love answer, keep you posted, posted will not let you modify! You want to adopt the answer, the answer does not exist! Message you want to see good color color Hello! Was furious! This is the thing about love to ask the system!
    2012-01-07 20:55:51
  •    ——I enjoy asking at IAsk ——There is no such a task! ——I care for helping others by giving answers ——Where should I post my answers,fuck ? How can I improve my answers,shark? ——I intend to adopt the best answers ——Where can I catch them again,in the park? ——I mean to leave a message ——That has to depend on my luck!?! ——I really fed up with such an IAsk! ——And such is the lovely IAsk!。
    2012-01-07 11:46:07
  • 保证不是机器翻译, 最道地的中式英语: You love ask, not let you ask, Ai ! You love answer, not let you tape (贴!) . Taped, not let you modify! You want pick answer, answer not exist! You want leave message, see you good luck not good luck! Air Bad! (气坏!) What the f*ck! (接纳这位朋友的建议, 加入这句) Such is the laughable, damnable, f*cking iAsk system! (抱歉, 这句中式英语, 不合格!)
    2012-01-07 06:28:33
  • You are so called iask, but what I ask goes astray; I post an answer or edit, but they can’t be displayed; I accept an answer, but it disappears in OutSpace; I leave a message, but I must meet a lucky day! My dear fucking iask, do you know how much I hate?!
    2012-01-07 00:26:13
  • 。。。 --。。 。。。
    2012-01-06 21:17:11
  • yourquestionshavenowheretobid,asyourresponseshavenoplacetogive.iftheydidunfortunately, eavailableanswersdon'texist,beingcrazy?justleaveit.
    2012-01-06 20:39:07
  •   这是蜉蝣,补充问题篇幅太小,贴不下。 以下是小虫的英译,大家可任选“汉译英”或“英译汉”,当然更欢迎中西合壁。不求翻得准,但求翻得牛! 第一版: Posting a question at iAsk, entrance's closed。
       Answering a question at iAsk, no where to go; if an answer is posted, changes won't go。 Accepting an answer at iAsk, it says "no show"。
       Leaving a message at iAsk, it might end up in snow。 You ask iAsk, iAsk fools you! 第二版: At iAsk。。。 When I ask, you say "no go"。
       When I answer, you say, "no post"; and if I manage to post, when I modify, you say, "oh no"。 When I try to accept an answer, you say, "no show"。
       When I try to leave a message, you say, "come back tomorrow"。 If you're looking for some reason to get pissed, visit iAsk! P。
      S。 Satisfaction guaranteed。
    2012-01-06 19:27:37
  • iask, won't let you ask. iask, won't let you paste and revise iask, won't let you close your submission and says the answer is in the sky iask, won't let you leave message and always give you a surprise iask, is a bad guy
    2012-01-06 17:00:02
  • 没有词汇,那你的翻译就是不行
    2012-01-06 15:11:51
  • iask, i cannot ask what i want to ask iask, i cannot answer the questions they ask iask, i cannot take the answers to the questions i ask iask, i cannot review answers or questions whoever may answer or ask I love what the fuck i ask
    2012-01-06 11:10:49
  • 很赞哦! (9)