

2006-06-19 12:00:24木***


  •    Letter of Complaint To Manager of XX (Store), I bought a colour TV set on Jun。10,2006 in your store, but only to find it doesn't work at all。
       I'm pretty sure that I have set all the connections according to the instruction enclosed in the package。 In person, I discussed with your assistant Ms。
      Susanne Anderson on Jun。15。 The result is quite dissatisfactory。 I write to you herewith in hopes that you may find a good solution for me。
       My concern is either you may return me the money, or you have the TV set replaced and worked in my house。 You may contact me at 620-6301234。
       I appreciate your assistance in advance! thanks/regards Emerton Black。
    2006-06-20 12:30:58
  • 很赞哦! (272)