

2024-07-17 17:01:31逻***
narrow是什么意思及反义词(narrow是什么意思):1、narrowKK: []DJ: []a. 狭的,狭窄的The street is too n?


  • 1、narrowKK: []DJ: []a. 狭的,狭窄的The street is too narrow for a truck.这条街太窄,卡车无法行驶。

    2、范围狭小的He has only a narrow circle of friends.他交游不广。

    3、心胸狭窄的She has a narrow mind.她心胸狭隘。

    4、勉强的Tom passed the examination by a narrow margin.汤姆考试勉强及格。

    5、精细的,严密的vt. 使变窄 限制;缩小(范围等)[(+down)]The scholar narrowed his interest to Tang poetry.这位学者的兴趣局限于唐诗。

    6、vi. 变窄;收缩;减少The river narrows at this point.河面到了这儿变得很狭窄。

    7、n. 狭谷,窄道 海峡[P]。

    2024-07-17 17:01:31
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