

2007-01-03 16:42:19l***
--- Do you know ___ Mr. Wu’s address is?--- Do you know ___ Mr. Wu’s address is? --- He may live at No.25 or No.52 of Chang’ an Street. I’m not sure of ___. A. where, which B. what, which C. where, what D. what, where (请求老师写出详细过程). ---Doyouknow___Mr.Wu’saddressis?---Doyouknow___Mr.Wu’saddressis?---HemayliveatNo?


  • the answer is A 第一句疑问句,你知道吴先生的地址吗?用地点副词 后面一个是选择性代词,WHICH
    2007-01-03 16:58:40
  • the answer should be "B" 问地址时候,我们用 what's your address? 第二个空,25号还是52号,不能确定是“哪一个”,用which. OKWAP online service Catherine
    2007-01-03 20:31:07
  • 选B.第一个空,what是address的不定疑问代词,而不是where.后一空里which是No.25 或 No.52中任一个的疑问代词。
    2007-01-03 16:52:59
  • 很赞哦! (175)