

2017-07-19 11:12:17信***
GMAT作文模板怎么使用?GMAT作文模板怎么使用?:1. 疑问句或反问句(推荐后者,语气更强。比如:Doesn’t it…?)   2 讲故事   3 观点   【注意】:   2和3?


  •   1。 疑问句或反问句(推荐后者,语气更强。比如:Doesn’t it…?)   2 讲故事   3 观点   【注意】:   2和3都一样,加上1,目的是:让读者感觉到你的调皮、淘气与可爱,让文章不至于那么死板,特别是对于已经比较boring的raters,这是一种从感情上拿分的方式!   Eg:请自己通过下面这段话找出issue是什么   Could the bad old days of economic decline be about to return? Since OPEC agreed to supply-cuts in March, the price of crude oil has jumped to almost $26 a barrel, up from less than $10 last December。
       This near-tripling of oil prices calls up scary memories of the 1973 oil shock, when prices quadrupled, and 1979-80, when they also almost tripled。
       Both previous shocks resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline。 So where are the headlines warning of gloom and doom this time?   Issue:石油涨价是否会导致经济衰退?   可见,这段话是方向清楚的。
         Eg:学生练习——请分别用三种开头方式写一遍   "A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official。
       " Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above   (我的):   第一种:很好   The author argues that a leader of great ability can affect the operation of a society or a country more widely and deeply。
       Suppose that in a society filled with this conception, the public will ignore the function and effect of government, then gov’s work will lose support and even be intervered , thus losing proper control of some bad things: free ride, speculation, etc, which cannot be malpulated by business org。
       Thus, I hold that it is equally important…   第二种:   J, a powerful leader of corp K——the chief client of the estate company P, had less effect on the control of P’s vicious violation of ethic rules: heavy speculation than the intervene of gov。
       In 1990, the boom of P, P took advantage of this prime period to induce miracle amount of foreign money to the US and at the same time it charged vitally higher price of its 3rd office building near the Los Angeles airport, thus spiring the anger of public。
       Facing this situation, k stopped its relationship with P to punish P, but this won’t have a mearable change on P’s action, while gov improved the tax on their every office building to be sold largely——ultimately, P has to put its price down to the average leve。
       Therefore, in my opion, gov has a more far-reaching impact on the operation of a community or a nation。   【存在的问题】:   1)第一句:没有说政府的影响多的后果是什么,就只能让读者读出一个现象,但是读不出方向。
         我应该在我的文字中明确给出方向是什么。Ie:   如果我支持“gov作用更重要”:就说“政府影响更大则有什么好处”或“企业影响更大有什么坏处”;   如果我支持“企业应该作用更大”:就反之。   而我目前的表述:只有“政府影响更大”,没有“后果如何”,就是事实出来了,观点没有,所以不行!   【修改后】:第一句——   Gov has larger effect on the control of the bad speculation of corp J, an estate company, than J’s chief client K, an medical corp, thus preventing the flowing of work force and further decline of stock price of J。
      [LC1]   2)中间的elaboration太长太绕:让人读的烦、容易读不懂,必须改得短且精炼一些。   第三种:   Doesn’t a powerful leader can really affect a course of a nation more widely than the government?   【说明】:   以上3种属于高分的写法,但不是只局限于这3个,有自己认为好的也可以。
         在进入II之前,有一点说一下:关于“核心概念”和“概念间关系”的界定——   (1) 原理:要对一个观点发表我的评论(同意或不同意),前提是知道这个观点是什么。而界定的目的就是“搞清楚题目什么”的过程!   (2)怎么处理:基于1)——   1) 如果题目本身很具体了(注意:具体≠简单,只是说概念的含义精确了不会ambiguous了):就不需要这步,因为没有必要,加上去是画蛇添足,违背了“every word tells”。
         比如:   A)"Clearly, government has a responsibility to support the arts。 However, if that support is going to produce anything of value, government must place no restrictions on the art that is produced。
       "   To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above?   B)是否同意“当今社会在网上找工作更好”   以上两个就是很具象化的,不需要界定。
         2) 题目中存在一些抽象词、且关系不清楚,就需要先界定:在我看来,**是什么意思。   比如:   A)"What education fails to teach us is to see the human community as one。
       Rather than focus on the unique differences that separate one nation from another, education should focus on the similarities among all people and places on Earth。
      "   【分析】:对“共性”和“个性”应该界定一下   B)"There is only one definition of success-to be able to spend your life in your own way。 "   【分析】:对“成功”界定一下。
    2017-07-19 12:23:17
  • 很赞哦! (239)