

2012-10-28 09:03:502***
假定你叫魏华,今天早上把一些重要物品忘在家里了,请你根据以下信息给妈妈写一个不少于40字的留言条. 1.身份证在床边梳妆台的抽屉里; 2.钥匙在卧室的书桌上; 3.卷笔刀在书桌上的铅笔盒里; 4.字典在书架上。 Dear Mom, _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________.急求英语作文,大家帮帮忙!假定你叫魏华,今天早上把一些重要物品忘在家里了,请你根据以下信息给妈妈写一个不少于40字的留言条.1.身份证在床边梳妆台的抽屉里;2.?


  • Hey Mom, I forgot to take the following four things with me today. Please try to find them and bring them to me ASAP. My ID in the dresser drawer by my bed; My key on my desk in the bedroom; My pencil sharpener in the pencil box on my desk; My dictionary on the bookshelf. Love you, Hua
    2012-10-28 10:36:42
  •   按照下文书写; I'm sorry that I have left something important at home。 Please try to send them to me。 My ID card is in the drawer of the dresser beside the bed。
       My keys are on the desk in the bedroom。 My pencil sharpener/temperamattina is in the pencil box。 And my dictionary is in the book case。
       I want them very much and I hope you can send them to me befor nine o'clock。 Thank you very much。 Yours ever。 Wei Hua。
    2012-10-28 10:25:36
  • 很赞哦! (244)