

2004-12-16 17:35:12l***
在I don't think he will win the game.这句中,反意疑问句中为什么用在I don't think he will win the game.这句中,反意疑问句中为什么用do I?在I am sure he will win the game.中为什么用won't he?在Idon'tthinkhewillwinthegame.这句中,反意疑问句中为什么用在Idon'tthinkhewillwinthegame.这句中,反意疑问?


  • 你的第一句反意疑问是错误的。应为:will he? 当主句以第一人称开头,动词为think, suppose, consider等表达观点的词时,应注意两点: 一 宾语从句的否定前置; 二反意疑问在宾语从句上.想想看,你自己的想法为什么要问别人呢?明白了这一点,我想第二句的答案就很清楚了.
    2004-12-17 17:05:35
  • 此处两题是带有宾语从句的反意疑问句: 主语+动词+宾语从句,其反意疑问句视从句而定。如: They said I could do it well, didn't they? 他们说我能把它做好,是不是? I didn't think you were right, were you? 我认为你不对,是吗? 此处应是I don't think he will win the game,will he?而不是do I? 也许是答案错误吧!你问问你的老师看看。
    2004-12-17 12:54:11
  • 反意疑问句的前面是肯定句式,后面就用否定句式;反之,前半部分用否定句式,则后半部分就用肯定句式。
    2004-12-17 00:25:18
  • 因为don't是修饰win,而二句中,是肯定句,反意疑问的是will
    2004-12-16 23:24:57
  • 很赞哦! (256)