

2006-11-03 03:10:31南***
1. While Nelson expressed __________ thoughts about his parents, he was also clearly in conflict with them. A) affectionate B) affectional C) affective D) affecting A   B   C   D   2 The attacking force had been __________ spread very thin since altogether there were fewer than 20 planes reported. A) specially B) decidedly C) evidently D) positively A   B   C   D   3.he origins of the hotel are also apparent in the impressive entrance hall, cocktail bar and __________. A) lobby B) lodge C) locus D) lounge A   B   C   D 问题补充: 请给出详细的解释 几道英语单词题1.WhileNelsonexpressed__________thoughtsabouthisparents,hewasalsoclearlyi?


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