

2006-03-14 16:13:40一***
中译英 1.乘公共汽车去火车站需要40分钟。 I go to train by bus for fouteen minutes. 2.虽然我们是邻居,但相互之间并不熟悉。 So we are neighour,but we aren't undersand each other. 请问,我这两句英文翻译的对吗???如果不对,请指出???帮我翻译一句话???中译英1.乘公共汽车去火车站需要40分钟。Igototrainbybusforfouteenminutes.2.虽然我们是邻居,但相互之间并?


  • It takes 40mins to go to railway station by bus Thought we are neighour ,but we aren't familar with each other
    2006-03-14 16:37:44
  • 楼主,你好! 一、中译英: 1.乘公共汽车去火车站需要40分钟。 It takes 40 minutes by bus to train station. 2.虽然我们是邻居,但相互之间并不熟悉。 Although we are neighour,we don't know each other. 二、分析: 第一句话,说的是一个现象,不光是I,就是you,用公交车方式去也需要40分钟.所以,建议用物主代词it做主语,表示这种现象. 第二句话,英语中,"虽然……,但是……",不能按照中文的习惯表示,只需要用一个连词表示这种让步状语即可,可以用although,though. 三、鼓励: 还有,做人不要自卑,这样子会影响自己水平的发挥,而且长此以往形成恶性循环,对身心有百害而无一利。多学多问多积累,就会改变这种失衡状态。祝好! 羊羊
    2006-03-14 16:30:06
  • It takes 40 minutes to get to the train station by bus. Although we are neighbors, we do not know each other very well.
    2006-03-14 16:23:22
  • It takes 40min to go to train station by bus. Although we are neighbours,we still cant know each ohter better.
    2006-03-14 16:21:34
  • 很赞哦! (248)