

2008-11-09 10:55:21口***


  •   Oh, the Chinese students need to learn English as a test, the test but parents have to pay to play, a lot of Chinese teachers often corporal punishment, verbal abuse of students, but a lot of people are not in English, my mother over the past few days in Singapore In a meeting of theological yard, she called last night to tell me that they teach at the Chinese-speaking teachers, but as long as an airport, the streets have been all speak English, and she very poor English, Ha ha 。
      。 。
    2008-11-10 21:09:41
  • Hehe, Chinese students need study English .They study for The Test.If them get bad grades.They parent<能力有限>
    2008-11-09 12:34:06
  • 很赞哦! (55)