

2012-03-21 20:11:40l***


  •   一个人容易在城市中迷路,与其就说他不认路,倒不如说他的方向感差,甚至是“路痴”。科学研究发现“路痴”是天生的,人们对于道路和长相的识别能力受到遗传基因的影响。 地道的英语说法称之为: directionally challenged directionally tone-deaf directionally impaired 句例: 1。
       The directionally challenged lack an internal compass。 2。 I am directionally challenged and have given up ever being able to navigate in a strange city。
       3。 Both of us have always been "directionally challenged," anyway。 Well, we are having a heck of a time finding our way back to our room。
       4。 I'm directionally impaired。 This impairment is not limited to getting from one place to another in a strange city。 。
    2012-03-22 02:16:15
  • 不好意思,我不认路。 Sorry, I do not know the way.
    2012-04-04 00:49:18
  • He is a freshman here.这样就行了,听者能就明白他对这里不熟悉。
    2012-03-24 00:06:03
  • lose one's way
    2012-03-22 20:29:06
  • 最地道的英语是 I lost my way.
    2012-03-21 22:21:59
  • Do not know the way
    2012-03-21 20:46:09
  • sorry.I don't know that.我不清楚那个。
    2012-03-21 20:42:12
  • 不认路 Do not know the way
    2012-03-21 20:38:30
  • 很赞哦! (235)