

2018-02-03 05:30:43张***
用英文介绍中国画的起源,发展,以及影响~用英文介绍中国画的起源,发展,以及影响~:简单一点: Chinese painting can be traced back to paintings on ?


  •   简单一点: Chinese painting can be traced back to paintings on Neolithic pottery six or seven thousand years ago。 Since similar tools and lines were used for the earliest painting and writing, painting is said to have the same origin as calligraphy。
       Thus, Chinese paintings usually integrate poetry or calligraphy with themes that include figures, landscapes, flowers, birds and other animals。
       Traditional Chinese painting remains a highly valued genre, often on exhibit in China as well as other countries。 这题目太大,建议看下这个网站: 。
    2018-02-03 06:01:43
  • 很赞哦! (228)