

2005-08-20 18:29:09快***
1。你能帮我修电脑真是太好了。 2。高老师带上一个药箱,赶着照顾那个男孩了。 3。医生给那位老人做人工呼吸,但他没有苏醒过来。 4。咱们必须尽快地把这袋米搬掉。 5。昨天我从树上摔下来,幸好伤得不重。 6。我想请两天病假 。 翻译汉译英1。你能帮我修电脑真是太好了。2。高老师带上一个药箱,赶着照顾那个男孩了。3。医生给那位老人做人工呼吸,但他没有苏醒过来。4。咱们必须尽快地把这袋米搬?


  •   1。你能帮我修电脑真是太好了。 1。 It is really very good that you can help me to repair the computer 。 2。高老师带上一个药箱,赶着照顾那个男孩了 2。 The high teacher takes a medical kit, is rushing to look after that boy。
       3。医生给那位老人做人工呼吸,但他没有苏醒过来。 3。 The doctor does artificial respiration for that old man, but he has not revived 。 4。
      咱们必须尽快地把这袋米搬掉。 4。 We must move this bag of rice as soon as possible 。 5。昨天我从树上摔下来,幸好伤得不重。5。 I fell down from tree yesterday, fortunately not injure heavily。
       6。我想请两天病假 6。 I want to invite the sick leave for two days。 这里面有几句是初二英语课本(人民教育出版社大纲版)“The accident”那一章的 。
    2005-08-24 12:00:21
  •   。你能帮我修电脑真是太好了。 2。高老师带上一个药箱,赶着照顾那个男孩了。 3。医生给那位老人做人工呼吸,但他没有苏醒过来。 4。咱们必须尽快地把这袋米搬掉。 5。昨天我从树上摔下来,幸好伤得不重。 6。我想请两天病假 。 前面两位的回答都有点小问题,而且人家初中生那里学了那么多的单词? 1 It's very kind of you to heip mend my computer。
       2 With a medicine box,MR(S) Gao hurried off to take care of that boy 3 The doctor gave that old man an mouth-to-mouth breathe,but he didn'tcome to himself 4。
      We must carry the bag of rice away as soon as possible。 me to himself 5。Yesterday I fell off the tree,but luckily,I'm not badly hurt。
       6。I want to ask for two day's sick leave。
    2005-08-22 11:46:15
  •   1。你能帮我修电脑真是太好了。 2。高老师带上一个药箱,赶着照顾那个男孩了。 3。医生给那位老人做人工呼吸,但他没有苏醒过来。 4。咱们必须尽快地把这袋米搬掉。 5。昨天我从树上摔下来,幸好伤得不重。 6。我想请两天病假 。 前面两位的回答都有点小问题,而且人家初中生那里学了那么多的单词? 1 It's very kind of you to heip mend my computer。
       2 With a medicine box,MR(S) Gao hurried off to take care of that boy 3 The doctor gave that old man an mouth-to-mouth breathe,but he didn'tcome to himself 4。
      We must carry the bag of rice away as soon as possible。 me to himself 5。Yesterday I fell off the tree,but luckily,I'm not badly hurt。
       6。I want to ask for two day's sick leave。
    2005-08-20 20:33:31
  • 流星是美?的也是短?旱??矍橐彩沁@?? 我相信一?鍾情?s不信天長地久 除非有一天,她改?了我,那麽她?⑹俏乙簧杏啦幌У牧餍? 我??她的光環而沈醉, 直到和她一起消失在燦?的星空中 。那?r我??的?垡咽?Q化的?o比?粹了
    2005-08-20 19:19:56
  • 1.It's very kind of you to help me repair my computer. 2.Mr./Mrs. Wang carried a medicine box,hurried to take care of the boy. 3.The doctor did artificial respiration to the old man.But he did't come to himslf. 4.We must carry the bag of rice away as soon as possible. 5.Yesterday I fell off a tree,but forturenately not seriously. 6.I want to take a two- day leave.
    2005-08-20 18:45:08
  •   1。 It is really very good that you can help me to repair the computer 。 2。 The high teacher takes a medical kit, is rushing to look after that boy。
       3。 The doctor does artificial respiration for that old man, but he has not revived 。 4。 We must move this bag of rice as soon as possible 。
       5。 I fell down from tree yesterday, fortunately not injure heavily。 6。 I want to invite the sick leave for two days。 。
    2005-08-20 18:41:18
  • 很赞哦! (5)