

2007-05-09 10:19:49F***
麻烦大家帮我翻译下面这段话,非常感谢。 随着城市车辆数目的急剧增长,为改善交通,合理利用现有运输能力,实现交通流的安全性、快速性,因此对城市交通信号灯进行控制,合理配时非常重要。 论文研究交通信号灯的设计,并采用虚拟电子技术实现一个十字路口交通信号灯的设计。论文首先简要介绍虚拟电子技术的发展和交通信号灯设计的作用;接着对虚拟电子技术进行详细的介绍,包括虚拟电子技术的概念、电子工作台EWB的虚拟器件和仪器、EWB的菜单和命令;然后介绍采用电子工作台EWB进行交通灯设计实验,包括交通灯设计实验的系统设计和电路分析、实验的技术细节分析等, 虚拟电子技术在电路设计实现方面有较多优点,值得进一步学习和研究。 英文翻译麻烦大家帮我翻译下面这段话,非常感谢。随着城市车辆数目的急剧增长,为改善交通,合理利用现有运输能力,实现交通流的安全性、快速性,因此对城市交通信号灯进行?


  •   With the number of cars on the rapid growth of traffic, rational utilization of existing transport capacity, Traffic flow to achieve the safety, speed, the urban traffic signal control, reasonable timing is very important。
       Traffic Lights thesis research of the design and use of electronic technology to achieve virtual crossroads of a traffic signal design。
       The paper briefly introduced virtual electronic technology development and traffic signal design; Then virtual electronic technology described in detail, including virtual electronic technology concepts, Electronic workbench virtual devices and equipment, EWB menu and orders; Then use electronic workbench for traffic lights to design an experiment, including the design of traffic lights at the experimental system design and circuit analysis, laboratory analysis of the technical details。
       Virtual electronic circuit design technology in achieving a number of advantages, it is worth further study and research。
    2007-05-10 12:38:55
  • 很赞哦! (205)