

2005-09-06 10:27:22e***
In a global environment where security is increasingly recognized as a top priority issue, the advantage often goes to those with the most sophisticated systems and equipment. Organizations responsible for public safety and security are investing in systems that will maximize the effectiveness of their response to incidents and other potentially dangerous situations. 各位高手,这句话如何翻译?Inaglobalenvironmentwheresecurityisincreasinglyrecognizedasatopprio?


  •   In a global environment where security is increasingly recognized as a top priority issue, the advantage often goes to those with the most sophisticated systems and equipment。
       在安全日益成为首要问题的世界里,那些体系严密、装备精良的国家(地区、组织,视上下文定)通常具有优势。 Organizations responsible for public safety and security are investing in systems that will maximize the effectiveness of their response to incidents and other potentially dangerous situations。
    2005-09-06 11:24:04
  • 在当前全球形势下,安全越来越多的被看成一个顶级优先考虑的课题。因此那些有着最复杂系统和设备的东西就占据优势了。PS:没上下文,不知道THOSE代替什么,只能用“东西”来代替了。 对公共安全负责的那些机构正在投资于一些系统,这些系统将最大化他们对事故和潜在危险局势的反应效率。
    2005-09-06 10:57:50
  • 一耳进一耳出 万丈高楼平地起
    2005-09-06 10:36:21
  • 很赞哦! (168)