

2006-04-30 17:18:00星***
1。what are you going to do on your next vacation?2。who are you going to go with ? 3.where are you going to stay? 4.how are you going to get there? 5.hoe long are you going to be away? 要求:以上五个问题地回答内容,必须回答为什么。1。whatareyougoingtodoonyournextvacation?2。whoareyougoingtogowith?3.whereareyougo?


  • what a bow shit
    2006-05-04 17:24:09
  • 1。I’ll going on a trip 2。my parents 3。a hotel 4。by train 5。two days
    2006-05-01 14:06:19
  • 1.I am no idea , maybe I will go shanghai ,that's a lovely city. 2.No one.Just because I am so busy today . 3.The hotel . 4.by plane. It's a convenient way though it does need more money. 5. five days. It's a five days journey.
    2006-05-01 11:45:19
  • 很赞哦! (239)