

2010-04-02 23:05:45吉***
Is this the very dictionary one ______ new words now? A. used to look up B. is used to look up C. used looking up D. uses to look up ______ a large audience, the president said that a new educational reform was essential. A. Addressed B. Addressing C. While being addressed D. to be addressing --What do you want a new tennis racket for? ---______, of course. I’ve been chosen for the school team. A. Play tennis B. In playing tennis C. To be playing tennis D. To play tennis with Attending this course will be an advantage for anyone ______. A. hopes to promote B. hoping to promote C. hoped to be promoted D. hoping to be promoted One will probably lose his way while wandering around the shopping mall, in spite of the signs ______ the way. A. pointed B. pointing C. having pointed D. to be pointing 英语选择题Isthistheverydictionaryone______newwordsnow?A.usedtolookupB.isusedtolookupC?


  • 1.B 这就是那个(被)用来查新单词的词典吗?one后面引导一个定语从句,‘词典’做主语要用被动。 2.B addressing非谓语动词形式,做伴随状语 3.D 注意with后省略了a new tennis racket ,目的状语,口语回答playing tennis也可以 4.D 非谓语动词做定语,修饰anyone,注意要用被动,被提升(的人) 5.B point vt 指向,非谓语动词做signs定语 在下才疏学浅,有疏漏之处,望阁下见谅,也希望有识之士斧正,我洗耳恭听。
    2010-04-03 10:08:54
  • 很赞哦! (280)