

2010-11-07 16:19:46新***
1.This is the same kind of house____ yours. A.as B.like C.about D.in 2.---Must I park my car in the garage? ---No,you ____.You ____ park it over there ,the parking lot. (the parking lot什么意思) A.mustn’t ,may B.may not,must C.don’t have to ,may D.shouldn’t must 选择题需要说明下原因 译成中文: 1.We don’t consider it necessary for them to move into that house. 2.Many people are still in the habit of writing silly things in public places. 3.The fisherman cast his net and drew in a dead donkey,and then ,he cast it a second time ,hoping to get a big fish. 4.To their great disappointment,the team that had been excepted to win lost the game at last. (这句句首为什么要用to?) 5.---Excuse me.How can i get to rhe rainway station? ---Turn left and then follow your nose.You can’t miss it! 2道英语选择题,5句英译中1.Thisisthesamekindofhouse____yours.A.asB.likeC.aboutD.in2.---MustI?


  • 1.A 2.C Parking lot:停车场 翻译 1.我们认为他们没必要搬进那个房子。 2.许多人仍有在公共场所写无聊话语的坏习惯。 3.渔夫撒了网,打上来一头死驴,接着他第二次撒网,希望能捕条大鱼。 4.excepted错了吧,应该是expected 使他们大失所望的是一直被期待要赢的队,最后竟然输了比赛。 to...disappointment:表示令....失望的是,是一固定搭配 5. --Excuse me. How can I get to the train station? 不好意思,请问到到火车站怎么走? --左转然后一直往前走,你一定找得到的。
    2010-11-07 16:58:12
  • 很赞哦! (270)