

2011-06-05 19:54:54U***
关于“保护环境”的高中英语作文,100个单词左右【保护环境的英语作文,环保英语作文150词,保护环境英语书面表达,关于环境的英语短文,处理环境的英文作文,关于环境的英语作文,描写环境的英语作文,与环境有关的英语作文,关于环境的英文作文,保持环境整洁英文作文,关于环保的英语作文,保护自然的英语作文,英语保护个人信息作文,英语环境保护的短文,环保英语作文,环境的重要性英语作文,有关环境保护英语作文,初中环保英语作文,英语关于环境的作文,环境保护的英语短文,高中环保作文,有关保护环境的作文,环境保护英语作文,关于上高中英语作文,高中英语作文开头结尾,关于保护环境的作文,英语作文高中范文大全】关于“保护环境”的高中英语作文,100个单词左右:Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Eart?


  •   Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals。
       Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind。 Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it。
       Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment。
    2011-06-05 20:22:42
  •   The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations。 Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems。
       Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government。 Laws have been passed to stop pollution。 I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals。
       Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind。 Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it。
       Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment。 译文:地球是我们的家,我们有责任照顾它为我们自己和后代。幸运的是,越来越多的人已经意识到这些问题。
      已采取措施来对付这些问题的政府。法律已经通过了停止污染。我希望这个问题将得到解决在不久的将来,我们的家园会越来越好 与环境和谐的是,我们生活在地球上,谁是自然的儿子,不仅自然人作为征服者,我们都知道,只有一个地球和地球上山脉的动物。人类细胞植物,如果它损坏,销毁性质组织,以消灭人类。
    2011-06-05 20:22:23
  •   中文:在现代社会生活中,商品的 废弃和任意处理是普遍的,特别是 一次性物品使用激增。据统计,英 国人每年抛弃25亿块尿布;日本人 每年使用3000万台“可随意处理 的”一次性相机;日本的公司免费 分发数百万节含有镉和汞的电池; 除了可任意处理的钢笔之外,美国 人每年抛弃1。
      83亿把剃刀、27亿节 电池、1。4亿立方米用于包装的聚苯 乙烯塑料,3。5亿个油漆罐,再加上 足够供全世界人口每月野餐一次使 用的纸张和塑料制品。尽管一次性 物品确实在一定程度上满足了人们 的特殊需要,但也浪费了大量的能 源和资源、制造了大量的垃圾,增加了环境的负担,甚至对环境造成 污染。
      我国是一个有十几亿人口的 大国,如果提倡一次性用品的使用, 消费量将是巨大的,不仅造成资源 的浪费,而且产生的废弃物也会带 来无法预料的灾难。 英文:In the modern social activities, merchandise's abandonning and handling arbitrarily is widespread, especially a time of product usage surges。
      According to the covariance, the English the people abandons 2,500,000,000 pieces of diapers annually;The Japanese uses annually 30,000,000 the sets"can handle at will of" a time of camera;The company of Japan is free to distribute millions stanza to imply Cd(镉的化学式) and the battery of mercury; In addition to the fountain-pen canned handle arbitrarily, the American abandons annually 183,000,000 make the razor, 2,700,000,000 section batteries signing the square rice, 140,000,000 used for gathering benzene ethylene plastics wrappingly, 350,000,000 paint bottle, and provide the monthly picnic of the whole world population enough once make paper and plastics for using producted。
      Though a time of product really satisfied people's special demand to some extent, also wasted a great deal of of ability source and resources, made a great deal of garbage, increased to add environment of burden, even bring pollution to environment。
      The our country is a big country which has ten several 100000000 people, if promote a time of usage of thing, consuming the quantity will be huge, not only result in the waste of resources, and the output wastes will also take to can't anticipate of disaster。
    2011-06-05 20:13:57
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