

2006-05-25 11:12:34小***
“第n位小数”的英语怎么译?先谢了!请教一个数学名词翻译问题“第n位小数”的英语怎么译?先谢了!:第n位小数: the n+th decimal place decimal place ?


  • 第n位小数: the n+th decimal place decimal place 小数位 The position of a digit to the right of a decimal point, usually identified by successive ascending ordinal numbers with the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point being first: 小数点后的位置:小数点右边的数字的位置,通常是连续上升的基数词,以紧跟在小数点右边的数字为小数第一位: 例如: a figure accurate to the third decimal place. 精确到小数点后第三位的数字
    2006-05-25 15:41:03
  • n places of decimals
    2006-05-25 12:08:03
  • 很赞哦! (30)