

2017-07-20 13:03:36史***
如何从整体上把握GMAT阅读?如何从整体上把握GMAT阅读?: GMAT阅读考试中所涉及的单词量大,文章内容丰富,从科学类到社会经济类都会出现。文章所用的句子也会出现一些长难句,对考生理解文?


  •    GMAT阅读考试中所涉及的单词量大,文章内容丰富,从科学类到社会经济类都会出现。文章所用的句子也会出现一些长难句,对考生理解文章造成一定的障碍。另外,文章结构多变,结论也往往会出乎预料。正是因为GMAT阅读的这些特点,考生要想获得高分一定要对考试中的文章内容和结构有整体的把握,才能更准确的完成题目。
      读完文章要建立文章段落之间的联系,前后文内容上的联系,这样才能够更好的理解文章内容的逻辑关系,特别是在结构上能够有更准确的把握。下面小编将结合具体的文章为大家详细介绍一下:   Most attempts by physicists to send particles faster than the speed of light involve a remarkable phenomenon called quantum tunneling, in which particles travel through solid barriers that appear to be impenetrable。
       If you throw a ball at a wall, you expect it to bounce back, not to pass straight through it。 Yet subatomic particles perform the equivalent feat。
       Quantum theory says that there is a distinct, albeit small, probability that such a particle will tunnel its way through a barrier; the probability declines exponentially as the thickness of the barrier increases。
       Though the extreme rapidity of quantum tunneling was noted as early as 1932, not until 1955 was it hypothesized—by Wigner and Eisenbud—that tunneling particles sometimes travel faster than light。
       Their grounds were calculations that suggested that the time it takes a particle to tunnel through a barrier increases with the thickness of the barrier until tunneling time reaches a maximum; beyond that maximum, tunneling time stays the same regardless of barrier thickness。
       This   would imply that once maximum tunneling time is reached, tunneling speed will increase without limit as barrier thickness increases。
       Several recent experiments have supported this hypothesis that tunneling particles sometimes reach superluminal speed。 According to measurements performed by Raymond Chiao and colleagues, for example, photons can pass through an optical filter at 1。
      7 times the speed of light。   文章脉络:   第一段:大多数物理学家试图用超过光速的方法发送微粒,这关系到一个值得注意的现象,称为量子隧道。粒子穿过坚实的壁垒,这是令人费解的,接着对此现象展开讨论。   在读的过程中考生要学会把文章简化为一个故事来帮助自己把握结构。
      通过3-5个关键词来对文章的主旨进行概括。或者通过几个词组来概括文章的内容。找到什么是Phenomenon and explanation,抓住文章的主体框架。   The author of the passage mentions calculations about tunneling time and barrier   thickness in order to   (A) suggest that tunneling time is unrelated to barrier thickness   (B) explain the evidence by which Wigner and Eisenbud discovered the phenomenon of tunneling   (C) describe data recently challenged by Raymond Chiao and colleagues   (D) question why particles engaged in quantum tunneling rarely achieve extremely high speeds   (E) explain the basis for Wigner and Eisenbud’s hypothesis   选项分析:   (A) 表明隧穿越的时间与壁垒厚度无关。
         (B) 解释维格纳发现隧穿现象的证据。   (C) 描述最近雷蒙德角和他的同事们的挑战的数据。   (D) 质疑为什么微粒很少以预期的高速度穿过量子隧道。   (E) 正确,解释维格纳假说的基础。   以上是关于怎样从整体上把握GMAT阅读的详细内容,希望大家也能从中受益,不断改进自己的备考方法提升备考效率,从而写出漂亮的文章获得满意的成绩。
    2017-07-20 13:14:36
  • 很赞哦! (148)