

2011-08-18 19:53:59k***
汉语:IE是在泰勒 (Taylor) 创建的科学管理基础上不断吸纳近代科学管理技术新发展起来的关于“人” “机” “料” “时间” “信息”等效率化的应用技术方法,是关于人的工作系统的设计学问。 我的翻译(有点散): IE developed from scientific management which was created by Taylor. It’s an efficient technology and method that concerns with people, machine, material, time and information, it’s a deign knowledge about the work system of people. 帮忙梳理一下~ 谢谢 帮我梳理一下这段翻译~~中译英汉语:IE是在泰勒(Taylor)创建的科学管理基础上不断吸纳近代科学管理技术新发展起来的关于“人”“机”“料”“时间”“信息”等?


  • IE is in Taylor ( Taylor ) to create scientific management based on modern scientific management continue to absorb new technology development.""" machine" of" material"" time " and " information" equivalent rate of applied technical method, is about people working system design knowledge.
    2011-08-23 16:44:32
  • 原文翻译“惨不忍睹”。订正如下: Based upon the scientific system of management created by Taylor and modern sciences and technologies developed in modern times, IE has been well integrated into the efficiency-oriented pragmatic system of technology. It belongs to the designing sciences of work system.
    2011-08-18 20:25:15
  • 很赞哦! (240)