

2008-12-19 14:05:08w***
唐时,重元寺堪称巨刹,韦应物、白居易和皮日休都是唐代著名的诗人,并且均出任过苏州刺史,他们为该寺创作了脍炙人口的诗篇。 著名诗人韦应物(公元737~792年)曾作《登寺阁诗》,描写的即为重元寺:“时暇陟云构,晨霁澄景光。始见吴都大,十里郁苍苍。山川表明丽,湖海吞大荒。合沓臻水陆,骈阗会四方。俗繁节又暄,雨顺物亦康。禽鱼各翔泳,草木遍芬芳。于兹省氓俗,一用劝农桑。诚知虎符忝,但恨归路长。” 汉译英登寺阁诗机译免唐时,重元寺堪称巨刹,韦应物、白居易和皮日休都是唐代著名的诗人,并且均出任过苏州刺史,他们为该寺创作了脍炙人口的诗篇。著名诗人韦应物(公元7?


  •   Tang, Yuan Temple can be re-giant brakes, Wei Yingwu, and Po Chu-Pi is the famous Tang Dynasty poet, and Suzhou have been appointed provincial governor, who Monastery for the creation of a well-known poems。
       Wei Yingwu well-known poet (AD 737 to 792 years) has been the subject of "Teng Kok Temple poem," The description is re-yuan Temple: "The time when the structure Zhi Yun, Chen Ji Cheng King-kwong。
       Only see Wu are big, gray ten-yu 。 Mountains and rivers showed that Li, Wu Tun Da Huang Hai。 Again and again attained a combined land and water, the Quartet will be side by side。
       Vulgar fan section also Xuan, Yu-shun, Culture and Sport also。 Xiang the fish swimming birds, vegetation all over the fragrance。
       Vagrant in the province is popular, with a Sang persuade farmers。 Honor of Hu Fu-cheng know, but hate the long return。 "。
    2008-12-26 11:37:26
  • 很赞哦! (210)